Monday, February 25, 2013

WEEK 7 Achievements

Hello dear bloggers,

We have reached the culminating point of our training that requires us a top intellectual fitness condition.
 We completed our usual weekly reading and participating in the class discussions, as well as finding links to add to the wallwisher, planning exchange with peer check counter part, developing the technology tools selected for the project with students, and finally maintaining our daily teacher activities.
 Alike the previous weeks, we learnt a lot in reading about learner autonomy in theory through Dimitrios Thanasoulas and Samuel Sheu works, for the practice we were instructed by Susan Gaer various approaches to implement learner autonomy especially with One-computer Classroom.
One key determining principle promoted  in learner autonomy I praise is the one that promotes  learner self esteem.This dimension of pedagogy is also emphasized in Project-Based Learning approach to language teaching/learning.It is primordial for learner to be recognized as a valuable entity in teaching/learning process so it will develop his sense of commitment in learning and by extension in life.
Once again, we received Leslie Opp-Beckman to our discussion thread and she suggested lot of pieces of advises and resources useful for EFL in general and the implementation of week 7 topics.
I created a nicenet classroom and invited my students and friends.
 I am agreeably surprised with students participation both in my discussion thread and Nataliia's while being on vacation, as for the Skype In The Classroom Technology I decided to keep it but did not required students immediate intervention less I should be too demanding to them, in addition Courtney advised Nataliia and I about the issue of time zone difference.
I am more than happy to work with Hulya because I trust her qualities of hard worker and self discipline she shows on nicenet discussion thread and I am still putting things together to obtain an acceptable input to send her for peer check.

So glad to share this experience with you dear readers.

I wish you all the best,

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Hello dear co-bloggers,

It's so amazing that we are already done with 6 whole weeks, the good thing about it is that we used the time constructively. I seldom learn lot of skills in  little length of time like I do in this training.
We are adding more and more knowledge with the massive links we take from one another post and put on our delicious pages, and articles  and resources of the week program. This is a must if we want to optimize our competences and be more effective as today's EFL instructors. The only thing I regret is that I don't have enough time to go through carefully all the posts on nicenet and links on the platform for I know I am losing something whenever I don't do that.
This week I learnt about engaging students in large classes management with "using technology(webquest,PBL, CALL...) in teaching large classes"  especially with Donna Shaw and Rick Finnan work.
In fact,the use of online assessment tools with the opportunities offered on blackboard make me dream of easier times in managing my grading work. We definitely need machine help somehow because the application of the new teaching methods brings along more assessments and feedback to provide.
I liked Haidar and Tahsina opening the Week 6 discussion on nicenet with very engaging and concerned tone about the issue of large classes management.
I am getting familiar with names like Courtney, Nataliia, Izela, Hulya, Tahsina, Sharmila, Alina, Mukti, Haidar,Bobby as if I meet them in real time.Nataliia is so careful and cautious, she seems to be the most respectful of the instruction about our posts,she is not too long, too lecture like in her style; she drew our attention Izela and I about the quality of our webquest documents we did not finished properly. Izela is a champion good reader and brilliant thinker. Tahsina always brings relevant observations on my work.
I designed a second  a Power Point document about teaching and learning Argumentation and Persuasion ( a post reading activity), the first one I did was my Education Science Master Degree defense document.
As for my final project work, I continue to think and explore the potential technologies that are more suitable for my third year business class(nicenet discussion thread, skype, dropbox, webquest, rubric, PPT, prezi so on and so forth). After sharing Nataliia's project document, I am more relaxed, I now know I can make it easier than I believed.

Look forward to sharing more findings.

Warmest Regards,

Saturday, February 9, 2013


Hello dear bloggers,

We are still moving forward in reinforcing our pedagogic capacities through the two key processes that define this E-teacher professional development training:
Connecting teachers through exchange and collaboration.
Familiarizing teachers with the most recent approaches to EFL teaching.

This week 5 program taught us Project-Based Learning, Alternative Assessment, new model of teaching and learning, rubrics, WebQuest and also the  first step in responding to our final project technology related solution.
We share experiences of PBL in Susan Gaer, and Don Doehla works. Susan Gaer demonstrated the value of PBL in educational success with Asian cookbook, folktales book production in adults EFL class for Asian immigrants in the USA  and also the newspaper publication experience with Latino EFL students in America.
Don Dehla experiments PBL with foreign language other than English, he shows in the PBL of recipe book, children stories book, ABC book production how his students' improved at a point to be able to attend a collaborative class with students of the target language countries.
The new model of teaching and learning EFL comes along with  new ways of assessing pedagogic activities, among these new assessment tools rubrics are very objective and have the potential to cover the width of any activity in term of multidimensional view or multidisciplinary scope.
WebQuest is nonetheless interesting so far, we can say it's a completely virtual form of PBL which provides a whole pedagogic kit to develop teaching and learning activities.
We now work closer like teachers' of a same school, we know each other style of redaction, level of teaching, final project domain, give advises and make suggestions. We really care for each other.

Kind Regard,